Officer List & Their Biographies

Blade/Bladey/The Sharp One/Christopher Cannonmenace (GM)
Kate Gunhound/Jade Whaleloather (Co-GM)
Angel Stormwalker (Officer)
Captain Celtics (Officer)
Cutlass McHayes (Officer)
Davy/Dog Firestack (Officer)
Miss Razzle Dazzle (Officer)
Sir Quack Attack (Officer)
Lord Davy Menace/Gambler Of Fate(Officer)
Triple Trouble (Officer)
Rose Stormhara/Deja Vu (Officer)
Jhon Hawk (Officer)
Cyndi Greywolf (Officer)
Eric Fireskull (Officer)
Odett Bringly (OIT)
Marco Polo (OIT)
Admiral Savvy (OIT)
Jade Wildrage (OIT)
Jeffrey Bladehawk (OIT)
Melody Bladeshot (OIT)
Tabitha Benet (OIT)
Swashbuckler (OIT)
Illari (OIT)

*Biographies are either pre-written or requested. If you are an officer and would like a biography, tell Blade or Kate Gunhound. Thank you!!

Blade - The guildmaster of our guild, he was a senior officer of a notorious guild known as McRaging. Due to personal issues, he hung up his officer bandanna of McRaging and founded Emerald Regiment, and began our legacy.

Kate Gunhound - The co-guildmaster of our guild, she was a veteran of the notorious guild known as McRaging. Due to her own personal issues, she removed all of her characters from McRaging and went to Blade's guild. Within a few weeks, she helped Blade extend the legacy and earned the title of co-guildmaster.

Captain Celtics - The second co-guildmaster of our guild, he was an officer-in-training for the notorious guild known as McRaging. Due to personal issues, he removed himself from McRaging and came to Blade's small guild along with Dog Firestack & Lord Davy Menace. After a month and a half, he earned himself the co-guildmaster title along with Kate.

Dog Firestack - A senior officer of our guild, he was an officer of the notorious guild known as McRaging. Due to personal issues, he left McRaging and came to Blade's guild with Kate Gunhound & Captain Celtics.

Lord Davy Menace/Gambler Of Fate - A senior officer of our guild, he was a senior member of the notorious guild known as McRaging. Due to personal issues, he left McRaging and came to Blade's guild.

Rose Stormhara/Deja Vu- A young officer of our guild, she joined the guild in its early stages of recruiting. She showed her support helping out the officers with recruiting, and became one of the guild's first veterans. Within a few weeks, she earned her officer title. She is the mother hen of our guild, and we find it an honor to have her in our guild.

Jhon Hawk - A young officer & a friend of Blade's. He was originally a senior officer of McRaging with Blade, but left with Blade to help start out the guild.

Cyndi Greywolf - A senior officer of our guild, she is formally known as Cyndi McWrecker, and a past golden officer of McRaging. She had left because of health issues in her real life, and has come to help Emerald Regiment out. She is not online very much due to her health problems, but she has proved herself worthy of her title.

Eric Fireskull - A senior officer of our guild, he was an officer-in-training for McRaging. He left with Kate Gunhound to help her in her journey to extend Emerald Regiment.

Odett Bringly - An officer in training of our guild, she is a very bright spirited girl & a long time friend of Kate's. She has earned her title more than ten times over, from being the guild's cheerleader to being a perfect example of what a pirate should be.

Admiral Savvy - An officer n training of our guild, she was the original creator of the Partners (I)n Crime legacy. She was a long time friend of Kate's and decided to register her character into the guild when she returned to the game.

Jeffrey Bladehawk - An officer in training of our guild, he was a senior member of McRaging that had left due to personal issues. After guild hopping guilds, he came to Blade. With hard work, he earned the title of officer-in-training from recruiting, to being a great example to others.

Illari - An officer in training of our guild, she was a senior member of McRaging that left when guild dramas occurred in summer 2009. She recently returned to the game, and met up with Blade. After a few weeks, she earned her title of officer in training, being the perfect example of what a good member should be.